Benefits of Honey

I have always been amazed at the beauty products you can find in your pantry and fridge. Some might consider honey one of natures best kept secrets, yet it is always sitting on my pantry shelf directly between the sugar and cinnamon. Loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, honey is a natural antibiotic. Its antibiotic properties can assist in healing and killing bacteria associated with acne and wounds. How exactly does honey help heal/reduce acne and wounds? If you place honey on acne/wounds it will absorb the water in the wound. The honey will then kill all bacteria because bacteria needs water to survive as well. The water the honey absorbed will then trigger a chemical reaction, which causes the honey to release hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is also a wonderful antibiotic and will help to kill additional bacteria associated with the acne/wound. Also, honey is another natural product that can remedy inflammation. Because honey is acidic, it helps reduce the redness associated with acne. Try applying honey directly to the face in mask form to alleviate redness. Also, taking a spoonful of honey daily as a supplement can improve general skin-tone. If you are planning on using honey as a daily supplement, buy it in its raw, unprocessed form. Some people even use honey as their daily face-wash because there are no chemicals and it does not strip your skin of its natural oils. Although this is not going to completely remove your makeup, so it is best to use this face-washing method after your morning shower.

One thought on “Benefits of Honey

  1. How to Remove Acne Marks

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