Category Archives: Feel Good

The Go-To Fruit for Healthy Skin and Hair

Who doesn’t secretly wish for more radiant, beautiful skin and hair? If you’re anything like me, you’re always on the hunt for simpler, more natural ways to be healthier.

As autumn transitions into winter, the cold outdoor air and the warm indoor air work together to strip your hair and skin of their natural moisture, leaving them dry, crinkly and unhealthy. Like thousands of others, I suffered from winter dryness. However, that all changed when I  came across an effective solution to a problem that I had been at the mercy of my entire life! So what’s the fix you ask? It’s as simple as an apple a day, and what better time to talk about apples than fall when the orchards are aplenty and ready for picking!

Whether in fruit, pie, sauce, cider or whatever form you can imagine, the humble and versatile apple can greatly nourish and improve the texture of your skin and hair. Apples are excellent sources of antioxidants and fiber which help to fight the signs of aging, maintain the elasticity of your skin and prevent skin diseases and ailments such as bags under eyes, pimples and acne. Being about 84 percent water, apples also help to keep your skin and locks hydrated throughout the day.

An apple a day helps keep blood circulation flowing freely which assists in the rejuvenation and rebuilding of cells giving hair and skin a healthy glow.

If you’re always on the go and don’t have a minute to breathe between work, taking care of the kids, keeping up the house, and zipping from activity to activity, you owe it to yourself to take a quick five minute break and enjoy an apple. It’ll give you some time to relax and offer great benefits to your hair and skin.

Do you prefer sweet or sour apples? Stop by and let us know in the comments section, as well as leaving any great ways you include this wonderful fruit in your own diet.



A little relaxing never hurt anyone

It’s a go-go-go world out there. The number of hours spent on the job isn’t limited to time at work; technology means we’re always connected, and although that can be a good thing, it can also be a bad thing if there is no down time. As counterintuitive as it may sound to some, it is important to schedule some relaxation time into each day. Of course relaxation may mean different things to different people, but that time when the mind and the body can stop going is important. Some ways that people can de-stress are to:

Train yourself to take slow, deep breaths for a few minutes before bed and when you get up in the morning

Enjoy the present moment  

Draw up a nice bath, light a candle and have a relaxing soak

If you love to play or listen to music, sit back and become engrossed in the sounds

Take a few moments every day and make a list of things that you are grateful for  

Get lost in a good book

Any of these things can help you relax and relieve some of the stress, even if just for a few minutes each day.  What individuals do to relax is just as individual as all other aspects of their lives. The benefits of relaxation cannot really be overestimated. Truly relaxing improves your memory, reduces your risk of stroke, increases your ability to get a fulfilling night’s rest, and even improve productivity.

Something we all owe it to ourselves to do is to take some time to de-stress every day. You will get better at relaxing and once you build a habit of relaxing life will be more enjoyable. Whether through mediation, reading a book, or whatever else you love, removing stress for even a small period of time can improve your health.

What do you do to relax?