Tag Archives: Cold Season

Natural Remedies: Cold Season

I hope everyone had a lovely Labor Day weekend! Can you believe it is already September 3rd? Which means cooler weather, oversized sweaters and pumpkin spice lattes are ahead. However, that also means it is almost time for cold season…dun, dun dun! So what can you do to remedy yourself from this nasty little rhinovirus…?

1. Sleep, sleep and more sleep! Probably the most important thing you can do for your body during and before an illness. Sleep is the bodies natural restorative process. In fact, sleep deprivation can cause your bodies immune system to break down, thus preventing your body from fighting off illness.

 2. Take Vitamin D3. In the Winter we spend less time outside, which can cause deficiencies in Vitamin D3. Studies have shown that children and adults who take Vitamin D3 are less likely to get sick with the common cold or flu. Also, spending 20 minutes outside daily can raise your Vitamin D levels immensely.

 3. Enjoy regular exercise. Research is not sure what it is about exercise that helps us during cold and flu season. Some believe exercise reduces stress, improves sleep habits and usually revolves around being outside. Remind you of anything already on this list…?

4. Limit your sugar intake. Sugar suppresses your immune system, which is your body’s natural way to fight off illness. Sugar can also prevent the absorption of vitamins and minerals into the body.

 5. Reduce stress in your everyday life. Stress can break down your immunities, making you vulnerable to the common cold. Feeling stressed…? Take a walk, exercise, take a long hot bath. Your body will thank you in the long run.